- Advanced Personal Finance talks about the benefits of tax diversification.
- Life Learning Today has a great post on the basics of investing.
- We're In Debt talks about how they use their joint checking account.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Personal Finance 101 Posts of the Day 5/31/07
Posted by
10:59 PM
Labels: couples, education, investing, POTD, retirement, taxes, tips
Couples and Money Survey
As part of the research and development process for my new Personal Finance 101 - Couples and Money class I am conducting a survey of people in relationships. I would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes and give me your experience on handling money with your partner. Thanks in advance for your help.
Take the survey
Posted by
4:23 PM
Labels: couples, Personal Finance 101
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Personal Finance 101 Posts of the Day 5/30/07
- Zen Habits gives 10 tips to simplify your budget.
- Ask Mr. Credit Card asks how much do you need to feel rich?
- Life, Lived talks about ways her family saves money.
- The Frugalist gives 21 reasons why it's good to be frugal but not cheap. (I call myself a cheap-a$$ but according to this I'm just frugal. Whew!)
- Mint gives a list of 20 mistakes to avoid during credit repair.
- $1 Million to my Name - Part III in his retirement saving pitfalls series - relying on an inheritance.
- My Financial Awareness talks about things to consider when establishing an emergency fund.
- Mad Money Analyst talks about why starting to save for retirement now is important.
- Advice and Rants gives suggestons on how to join forces with your friends to be frugal.
Posted by
11:06 AM
Labels: budget, credit, credit counseling, emergency fund, financial mistakes, friends, frugal, inheritance, planning, POTD, retirement, savings, social security, tips
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Personal Finance 101 Posts of the Day 5/29/07
- Advanced Personal Finance talks about some of the financial mistakes that he's made. (I made more than one of those mistakes myself.)
- Frugal Law Student has a crazy-long-list of financial resources. (Seriously, if you can't find it there it may not exist.)
- $1 Million to my Name talks about the magic of compounding.
- A financial revolution does a good comparison of ETFs and Mutual Funds.
- $1 Million to my Name - Part II in his retirement saving pitfalls series - waiting to get started.
Posted by
11:03 PM
Labels: compounding, education, ETF, financial mistakes, mutual funds, POTD, resources
In search of... Can you help?
*Note: This post is a sticky, there are newer posts below*
I have 3 projects I need help with and I'm hoping one of you might be able to help.
1 - I'm looking for a writer for an e-book. I have a series of financial e-books I want to publish and need someone to translate my thoughts and words to paper. If you or someone you know would be interested, please visit my website for details about what I'm looking for.
2 - I'm looking to expand my public speaking resume so if you know of any groups/non-profits/associations in the Metro Portland, OR area who would be interested in having me do a pro-bono presentation, please contact me at mandy@personalfinance101.org.
3 - I'm looking for couples to interview about their money habits. Couples of any sort: married, living together, same sex, whatever. This is research for development of a new class aimed at teaching couples to talk/work together to establish good personal finance habits. If you would be interested in participating, please contact me at mandy@personalfinance101.org.
Feel free to spread the word.
Posted by
11:00 PM
Labels: Personal Finance 101
Monday, May 28, 2007
Personal Finance 101 Posts of the Day 5/28/07
- Money Smart Life gives suggestions about how to use credit cards to simplify your finances.
- Rock Your Stock lists his picks for the top 5 investment books of all time.
- The Digerati Life lists 12 cheap ways to stay healthy. (your health is your most valuable asset - protect it)
- The Money Mythos thinks people need more than index funds for investments. (I'm not sure this is the case for most people but you can make your own decision)
- Money, Matter and More posts an open letter to high school graduates.
- Blunt Money lists 10 common financial mistakes.
- No Credit Needed gives 10 ideas for creating a budget.
- Young Professional Finance Blog talks about financial education - or the lack thereof.
Posted by
4:54 PM
Labels: automatic, book recommendation, budget, credit cards, education, financial mistakes, investing, POTD, tips, young people
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Personal Finance 101 Posts of the Day 5/27/07
- Accumulating Money talks about in-service 401k rollovers.
- Boston Gal posts about how to keep your investment advisor from robbing you blind.
- The Simple Dollar tells us how to get past the need for keeping up with the Jones’.
- How I Save Money talks about how to simplify your budget.
- Not Made of Money talks about some store brand products his family uses to save money.
- Bankruptcy Law Network talks about borrowing money from a 401k to pay for debt.
- Fil-Am Personal Finance had a good post illustrating the benefits of starting saving early.
- Financial Jungle talks about closet index funds. (This is a really important think to look at wth all of your funds. Holding overlap can really mess with your asset allocation and cause you to get off track for your goals.)
Posted by
1:00 PM
Labels: 401k, budget, compounding, cost of living, debt repayment, financial mistakes, financial planner, frugal, investing, POTD, retirement, rollover, young people
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Personal Finance 101 Posts of the Day 5/26/07
- Ask Mr. Credit Card talks about the importance of diversification.
- Money Ning reminds us to keep an eye on mutual fund fees and expenses.
- Bankruptcy Law Network has a series on how to deal with debt collections:
Posted by
1:02 PM
Labels: bankruptcy, credit, expenses, fees, investing, mutual funds, POTD
Friday, May 25, 2007
Personal Finance 101 Posts of the Day 5/25/07
- The Happy Rock talks about what you need for a financial system to work.
- Blunt Money talks about how to put your finances on auto pilot.
What words/emotions do you associate with money/finance?
I have received the first 119 responses to my survey about couples and money and the results are interesting so far. One of the things that really stood out is the question where people list the 5 words that they associate with money/finance. Seeing how others view money in always an eye opener. I'll post the full results once I've had a chance to play the numbers, but here is a glimpse. (If you don't want or don't qualify to fill out the survey, leave your 5 words here in the comments.)
- Several people used security and stress more than once in their answer
- Several people included contrary words (fear and happiness) in their answers
- I combined words that are substantially similar (ex: happy/happiness or stress/stressful)
In order of most mentioned:
31 | security | |
17 | freedom | |
17 | stress | |
14 | fear | |
14 | happiness | |
9 | power | |
8 | fun | |
8 | worry | |
6 | frustrating | |
6 | greed | |
6 | necessity | |
6 | safety | |
5 | comfort | |
5 | excitement | |
5 | Independance | |
5 | joy | |
5 | stability | |
5 | time consuming | |
5 | work | |
4 | flexibility | |
4 | hope | |
4 | important | |
4 | invest | |
4 | luxury | |
4 | relief | |
4 | savings | |
3 | anger | |
3 | anxiety | |
3 | challenging | |
3 | debt | |
3 | dread | |
3 | enjoy | |
3 | future | |
3 | generosity | |
3 | guilt | |
3 | hate | |
3 | opportunity | |
3 | Peace of mind | |
3 | responsibility | |
3 | sadness | |
3 | spending | |
3 | tool | |
2 | annoyance | |
2 | caution | |
2 | confidence | |
2 | confusing | |
2 | content | |
2 | control | |
2 | Enough | |
2 | Envy | |
2 | house | |
2 | jealousy | |
2 | Living | |
2 | needs | |
2 | never enough | |
2 | options | |
2 | patience | |
2 | Peace | |
2 | planning | |
2 | reward | |
2 | satisfaction | |
2 | Scary | |
2 | status | |
2 | Success | |
2 | travel | |
2 | wants vs. needs | |
2 | wealth | |
1 | "make more, spend more" | |
1 | Abundance | |
1 | acheivement | |
1 | Addictive | |
1 | adventure | |
1 | always feels like I'm doing something underhanded when I want to buy something that isnt a 'necessity' | |
1 | ARRGH | |
1 | aspirations | |
1 | asset | |
1 | assurance | |
1 | backup | |
1 | bills | |
1 | bit-by-bit | |
1 | boring | |
1 | Broke | |
1 | budget | |
1 | Burden | |
1 | can we. | |
1 | car | |
1 | choices | |
1 | cold | |
1 | conflict | |
1 | controversial | |
1 | Create memories | |
1 | credit | |
1 | deadlines | |
1 | decent life | |
1 | demise | |
1 | depression | |
1 | desire | |
1 | Difficult | |
1 | disappointment | |
1 | dispair | |
1 | Distrust | |
1 | divisive | |
1 | dollars | |
1 | dreams | |
1 | Drowning | |
1 | drudgery | |
1 | ehh? | |
1 | embarassment | |
1 | emergency | |
1 | empowerment | |
1 | enabler | |
1 | evil | |
1 | ex wife | |
1 | food | |
1 | Frightening | |
1 | Fulfilling | |
1 | Fundamental to lifestyle | |
1 | goals | |
1 | Good | |
1 | Grease | |
1 | groan.... | |
1 | Growth | |
1 | hard to learn about | |
1 | hassle | |
1 | havingness | |
1 | headache | |
1 | Helpful. | |
1 | I dont associate emotion with money it is simply something you need a certain amount of to live a certain lifestyle | |
1 | I'm pretty emtionless about it at this point, but that's because I've conquered the FEAR. | |
1 | inflation | |
1 | insecurity | |
1 | insincerity | |
1 | it's-only-money | |
1 | legacy | |
1 | leisure | |
1 | Logic | |
1 | love | |
1 | Major frustration in my life and that of my wifes life. | |
1 | Management | |
1 | market | |
1 | more | |
1 | My time's more valuable than my money. We have plenty. | |
1 | no worries | |
1 | None | |
1 | none of it is emotional | |
1 | now what?? | |
1 | numbers | |
1 | obligation | |
1 | Obsessiveness | |
1 | open | |
1 | optimistic | |
1 | over-emphasized | |
1 | over-rated | |
1 | overspending | |
1 | Pain | |
1 | pain in the ass because we are always struggling | |
1 | Partnership | |
1 | passion | |
1 | philanthropy | |
1 | pity | |
1 | Pleasure | |
1 | poor | |
1 | positiviy | |
1 | possibilities | |
1 | Potential | |
1 | preferable future | |
1 | pressure | |
1 | Pride | |
1 | priority | |
1 | protection | |
1 | quality of life | |
1 | question | |
1 | regret | |
1 | Required | |
1 | resource | |
1 | respect | |
1 | retirement | |
1 | rich | |
1 | righteous | |
1 | rip-off | |
1 | root of all evil | |
1 | secrecy | |
1 | self-assured | |
1 | self-control | |
1 | Sensitive | |
1 | speculation | |
1 | stewardship | |
1 | survival | |
1 | sweet | |
1 | taxes | |
1 | tedious | |
1 | tentative | |
1 | the Future | |
1 | the root of all evil | |
1 | thief | |
1 | This recently changed from emotions such as fear and dread to empowerment and security. | |
1 | thrifty | |
1 | Tough | |
1 | tricky | |
1 | ugg... | |
1 | useful | |
1 | value | |
1 | want | |
1 | We don't need a lot of "stuff" so we don't need a lot of money. | |
1 | weight | |
1 | well-being | |
1 | Without direction |
In alphabetical order:
1 | "make more, spend more" | |
1 | Abundance | |
1 | acheivement | |
1 | Addictive | |
1 | adventure | |
1 | always feels like I'm doing something underhanded when I want to buy something that isnt a 'necessity' | |
3 | anger | |
2 | annoyance | |
3 | anxiety | |
1 | ARRGH | |
1 | aspirations | |
1 | asset | |
1 | assurance | |
1 | backup | |
1 | bills | |
1 | bit-by-bit | |
1 | boring | |
1 | Broke | |
1 | budget | |
1 | Burden | |
1 | can we. | |
1 | car | |
2 | caution | |
3 | challenging | |
1 | choices | |
1 | cold | |
5 | comfort | |
2 | confidence | |
1 | conflict | |
2 | confusing | |
2 | content | |
2 | control | |
1 | controversial | |
1 | Create memories | |
1 | credit | |
1 | deadlines | |
3 | debt | |
1 | decent life | |
1 | demise | |
1 | depression | |
1 | desire | |
1 | Difficult | |
1 | disappointment | |
1 | dispair | |
1 | Distrust | |
1 | divisive | |
1 | dollars | |
3 | dread | |
1 | dreams | |
1 | Drowning | |
1 | drudgery | |
1 | ehh? | |
1 | embarassment | |
1 | emergency | |
1 | empowerment | |
1 | enabler | |
3 | enjoy | |
2 | Enough | |
2 | Envy | |
1 | evil | |
1 | ex wife | |
5 | excitement | |
14 | fear | |
4 | flexibility | |
1 | food | |
17 | freedom | |
1 | Frightening | |
6 | frustrating | |
1 | Fulfilling | |
8 | fun | |
1 | Fundamental to lifestyle | |
3 | future | |
3 | generosity | |
1 | goals | |
1 | Good | |
1 | Grease | |
6 | greed | |
1 | groan.... | |
1 | Growth | |
3 | guilt | |
14 | happiness | |
1 | hard to learn about | |
1 | hassle | |
3 | hate | |
1 | havingness | |
1 | headache | |
1 | Helpful. | |
4 | hope | |
2 | house | |
1 | I dont associate emotion with money it is simply something you need a certain amount of to live a certain lifestyle | |
1 | I'm pretty emtionless about it at this point, but that's because I've conquered the FEAR. | |
4 | important | |
5 | Independance | |
1 | inflation | |
1 | insecurity | |
1 | insincerity | |
4 | invest | |
1 | it's-only-money | |
2 | jealousy | |
5 | joy | |
1 | legacy | |
1 | leisure | |
2 | Living | |
1 | Logic | |
1 | love | |
4 | luxury | |
1 | Major frustration in my life and that of my wifes life. | |
1 | Management | |
1 | market | |
1 | more | |
1 | My time's more valuable than my money. We have plenty. | |
6 | necessity | |
2 | needs | |
2 | never enough | |
1 | no worries | |
1 | None | |
1 | none of it is emotional | |
1 | now what?? | |
1 | numbers | |
1 | obligation | |
1 | Obsessiveness | |
1 | open | |
3 | opportunity | |
1 | optimistic | |
2 | options | |
1 | over-emphasized | |
1 | over-rated | |
1 | overspending | |
1 | Pain | |
1 | pain in the ass because we are always struggling | |
1 | Partnership | |
1 | passion | |
2 | patience | |
2 | Peace | |
3 | Peace of mind | |
1 | philanthropy | |
1 | pity | |
2 | planning | |
1 | Pleasure | |
1 | poor | |
1 | positiviy | |
1 | possibilities | |
1 | Potential | |
9 | power | |
1 | preferable future | |
1 | pressure | |
1 | Pride | |
1 | priority | |
1 | protection | |
1 | quality of life | |
1 | question | |
1 | regret | |
4 | relief | |
1 | Required | |
1 | resource | |
1 | respect | |
3 | responsibility | |
1 | retirement | |
2 | reward | |
1 | rich | |
1 | righteous | |
1 | rip-off | |
1 | root of all evil | |
3 | sadness | |
6 | safety | |
2 | satisfaction | |
4 | savings | |
2 | Scary | |
1 | secrecy | |
31 | security | |
1 | self-assured | |
1 | self-control | |
1 | Sensitive | |
1 | speculation | |
3 | spending | |
5 | stability | |
2 | status | |
1 | stewardship | |
17 | stress | |
2 | Success | |
1 | survival | |
1 | sweet | |
1 | taxes | |
1 | tedious | |
1 | tentative | |
1 | the Future | |
1 | the root of all evil | |
1 | thief | |
1 | This recently changed from emotions such as fear and dread to empowerment and security. | |
1 | thrifty | |
5 | time consuming | |
3 | tool | |
1 | Tough | |
2 | travel | |
1 | tricky | |
1 | ugg... | |
1 | useful | |
1 | value | |
1 | want | |
2 | wants vs. needs | |
1 | We don't need a lot of "stuff" so we don't need a lot of money. | |
2 | wealth | |
1 | weight | |
1 | well-being | |
1 | Without direction | |
5 | work | |
8 | worry |
Posted by
4:27 PM
Labels: couples, Personal Finance 101, survey